Monday, March 18, 2024

Mystery of the Stone Spheres-S18/E10


Throughout the world there are mysterious ancient stones shaped into perfect spheres. Many of them show clear evidence of being manmade and some completely defy explanation. Could the mystery of the stone spheres provide clues about humankind's alien past?

Monday, March 11, 2024

Mysteries of Scotland-S18/E9


For thousands of years, Scotland has been an epicenter of otherworldly phenomena. It is home to mysterious ancient stone circles, stories of strange beings, and is a major hotspot for UFO sightings. Could it be that Scotland is a magnet for extraterrestrial visitors?

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The UFO Superhighway-S18/E8

Along the Earth's north 37th parallel there have been so many reports of unidentified flying objects, animal mutilations, and other mysterious events that it has been dubbed The UFO Superhighway. Could there be something about this latitude that is attracting extraterrestrial visitors?