Sunday, August 25, 2024

Egypt's Giant Tombs-S18/E17


Deep beneath the sands of Egypt lie 24 enormous sarcophagi--and every one of them is empty. What purpose might these giant tombs have served? And is it possible that the perfectly carved stone boxes--each weighing more than 70 tons--were designed not by humans... but by otherworldly visitors?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Teachers-S18/E16


Throughout ancient cultures there are stories of god-like beings providing instruction to early humans, helping our ancestors to establish the first civilizations and teaching them in various disciplines. Could it be true? And do mysterious figures who appear throughout history provide evidence that these otherworldly teachers have been with us all along?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Jacques Vallée UFO Pioneer-S18/E15

 Dr. Jacques Vallee holds multiple scientific degrees, is a best-selling author, and is one of the fathers of the internet. But he is best known for his revolutionary work in the field of UFOs, and his bold theories challenge our notions of alien life. Will Dr. Vallee's incredible work soon lead to answers about what has been happening in our skies for thousands of years?